Right, once you have passed the written exam, then comes the toughest part of the MRCP - (drumroll!) the PACES. 5 stations, tough clinical cases and some moody examiners! But go in with the right preparation, and you will absolutely wing it! Its really not that hard; just think of it as a ward round or an on-call shift where you are asked to see complicated and sick patients. Beware however, sometimes you could get a normal case, like I did in my exam 6 years ago. I remember it well - abdominal station, normal abdomen but she was pseudocushingoid. Don't know how, but I got it! Phew!
Well, actually I do know how. Like many of us who passed, we had the right tutors and the right books to prepare. While you may get some old books handed down by registrars to you, just remember that newer editions and new books that emerge have new cases and sometimes provide you with valuable tips on picking up ceratin things. Of course, the whole inspection-palpation-percussion-auscultation rule always applies, but its the little things that these books will help you with.
I have listed a few books below that will no doubt be useful. Once you have these, ensure you have a study partner who will critique you every time you examine a patient. I tell you, it helps.
I have organised the MRCP PACES exam in the past, and I have seen first hand what the examiners can mark you down on, and what you can score full on. Remember the steps in examination and be cool and calm. No patient wants to see a nervous doctor!!
Books to read :
Well, actually I do know how. Like many of us who passed, we had the right tutors and the right books to prepare. While you may get some old books handed down by registrars to you, just remember that newer editions and new books that emerge have new cases and sometimes provide you with valuable tips on picking up ceratin things. Of course, the whole inspection-palpation-percussion-auscultation rule always applies, but its the little things that these books will help you with.
I have listed a few books below that will no doubt be useful. Once you have these, ensure you have a study partner who will critique you every time you examine a patient. I tell you, it helps.
I have organised the MRCP PACES exam in the past, and I have seen first hand what the examiners can mark you down on, and what you can score full on. Remember the steps in examination and be cool and calm. No patient wants to see a nervous doctor!!
Books to read :
I would strongly recommend these. Study well and you can score full marks. In my next post, I will be placing a tough clinical scenario that was in the MRCP communication station a few years ago. I look forward to hearing how you will handle it!
Happy reading!
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